Waterfall At Stanhope

Waterfall At Stanhope
photo by ljoyburke

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Heron at Wilde Lake


While working on some projects,
I ran across these heron photos from the last season.
My mind is filled with so many distractions
wanting to just spend weeks away from the
heavy handed news, that I decided to stop
working and do a little creating

visioning that I am
wrapped in a verdant batik
listening to so many notes up lifting
smelling fragrant scents drifting
wishing for
resurrections redeeming
in this troubled land of the free.

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One of My Peeps

One of My Peeps
Robin photo by ljoyburke

Vote for Heal a Woman Heal a Nation Inc.

Chase is having a competition to divide 5,000,000 amongst 100 community based non-profits. I've voted for Heal A Woman Heal a Nation Inc. Baltimore City Non profit organization which works to give women the tools they need to be empowered to have happy healthier lives. The founders started the organization right out of college, have sponsored 5 highly successful conferences and monthly workshop events. They deal with a variety of topics, from health care, to financial literacy. Today is the last day to cast your vote so I hope you'll take the time to vote for them. Peace and Blessing to all in the this season of light-celebrating Hanukkah, Christmas, Solstice, Kwanzaa.